
Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas

With warm and friendly wishes
 for a Merry Christmas
 and a Bright and Happy New Year

Ash Vyas
Internet Marketing Manager
Ecosmob Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

How Does Google Handle Duplicate Content Answered by Matt Cutts

Duplicate content and SEO
In recent webmasters video Matt Cutts, Google Spam Team Head, has answered the most controversial question of SEO industry since ages.

How does Google handle the duplicate content and how does it affect negatively to SEO?

According to Matt, the web is full of duplicate content and you can say 25 to 30% content is duplicate. So they handle it very wisely. Usually duplicate content will not lead to any direct penalty, but it might be affected in a way which cause some negative effect. In general language, If two websites or webpages has a similar or duplicate content, Google will compare both the pages for quality assurance and other factors like age of page,backlinks, etc. and will display anyone out of the two. They handle duplicate content site as clusters and decide position depending on other factors.

Does that mean you got a licence to be scrapper? 
Nope, not at all. Because still quality guidelines are there. According to that if you just copy the content and do not add any value to it then it will not perform well in terms of rankings in search engines. Also if you copy someone's content which is copyright protected, your site might get suspended by a hosting company or you have to face the negative consequences according to DMCA [Digital Marketing Copyright Act]. Apart from that Google Panda is still there to fught against low quality content.

Confused? weather to use copy or not?
No, do not copy the content. Whether it affect negatively or not is different case, but it will surely affect your rankings negatively. Add some value to content. Like I got information from Matt's video, but I added more information, details and consequences by my experience which added value to this blog post and prevented it by being copied content ;) You can take idea from others, but you have to create content on your own if you really want to be in market and want to male best out of your content marketing.

Create your own content and rule the web securely.

Check the video of Matt:

Ash Vyas SEO Ash Vyas is working as an internet Marketing manager at Ecosmob handling digital marketing activities like SEO, SMO, Linkbuilding.
Likes : Blogging, net surfing, networking, travelling, photography
Connect with the author via: Twitter | LinkedIn | Google+ | Pinterest

Monday, 16 December 2013

How To Get The Best Out of Community?? Part 3 : Community - The Helping Hand: Brief Guide

Community The Helping Hand
Today, I will write the last part of the community - The Helping Hand. Today I will reveal some tips and steps which can be helpful to you to get the best result abd response from the communities. If you follow these steps, you will surely get the best results as well as popularity amongst other community members, 

How To Get The Best Out of Community?

So let me share some tips forhow can you get the best result from communities.
Find few communities of your Interest.
Rather than being an inactive member of 100 related or unrelated communities, it will be better to be an active member of closely coupled communities. Search for few “high profile”and “active” communities of your interest area & be an “Active” member there. It will help you a lot in a way that you will exchange information with the experts of your domain. You can get best out of experts' experience and knowledge.

Fill Profile Precisely with All Personal & Professional Details.
This will be your first step in any community. Anyone will know you with this page and information filled here. The page called “Profile”. You have to make sure that information, you have filled in profile page is accurate, informative and brief about what you are and why you are. You must be conscious about the information. You must include the professional information like your profession, webpage, etc. This page will add an extra factor called “trust factor” for you in the community. Many people lack this point due to laziness & sometimes get banned or no response from community members under the impression of a fake profile/person.

Introduce yourself To Community
Make the effort of introducing yourself to other community members by creating an introduction thread. You can state briefly about yourself, why you have joined the community, what you are seeking for and most important thing to mention is how you can help the community?

Community is a Give & Take Relation. Be a GIVER.
The most important thing is community is working with an agenda of “NO PERSONAL GAIN”. So try to help others as much as possible. Don't seek for solutions of your problem only. Also try to help others as much as possible.

Be Active, Be Regular
Being an active member is the most important thing. Sometimes we join the community by following someone's advice, be overactive there for a few days and then just put it in the last shelf. This should not happen. It is not necessary to reply daily or write one blog daily. But it will be good if you can reply, ask or write for/in community at regular interval.

Words of Wisdom
  • It's an online world so do not share personal information like phone number, address, etc.
  • Don't expect everyone to be nice to you. So handle such situations gracefully. The best way is to be polite and/or ignore.
  • Be passionate about it, but do not be obsessed with it.
Use this tips and tricks and follow advice for your own security messures and get the best result which will help you grow in your professional life for sure.

Ash Vyas SEO Ash Vyas is working as an internet Marketing manager at Ecosmob handling digital marketing activities like SEO, SMO, Linkbuilding.
Likes : Blogging, net surfing, networking, travelling, photography
Connect with the author via: Twitter | LinkedIn | Google+ | Pinterest

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Why to Use Community? Part 2 : Community - The Helping Hand: Brief Guide

In the previous article, I disclosed what the community mean and in today's article, I will disclose the various facts of why you or any professional should use the communities? What can be the advantages of using communities? and how communities can help in various ways. Today's article will share some facts by which you will get to know why the communities are known as helping hand, how does communities can help anyone to grow?

So let's explore in details the various reasons and benefits of "Why to use communities?"

The community will have a number of people with the level of apprentice to experts. So they can help you in many ways. Let's point few.

Have a question? Any problem? Any bug?
Ask it on community in the middle of the night and people with their own experience will respond you back in a couple of minutes without asking for support cost or any charges.

Working on a new project? Don't get any innovative Idea?
Explore the community. There are many experienced, enthusiastic, innovative & creative people out there who will love to share their innovation with you without asking for any royalty.

Do you want to build a shining career? Do you want to be famous?
According to a study, 80% people are working for fame rather than just to earn bread and butter. If you also fall under the cluster of people who wants to build their identity in their working domain then community is the best place for you. The community can build your professional CV stronger than you can ever think of. Because the world will get to know your expertise.

Are you introverted and still want to create a network?
As per studies, there are 70% people in the world are introvert and 50% people working in media line are extremely introvert and still having good networks. So if you are introvert and would you like to create a strong niche network, community is the best place. Because community is the place where you will find like minded people, you can communicate with them without any verbal communication and will also get the support of people which will help you to build your network as well as confidence. Even they will happy to giggle you when you are sad, upset or down.

Are you a happy giver? Would you like to help others?
If you are one of them who likes to help others without any expectation of gain. If you would like others to take advantage of your own experiences. Then, communities are the places seeking for you. Just help those people who are stuck with the problems, you have solved ages ago. “Be a helping hand to someone and get immense pleasure of satisfaction.”
In upcoming article, I will discuss what you can do to get best results from communities. Keep reading the posts. Give your feedback in comment section.

Ash Vyas SEO Ash Vyas is working as an internet Marketing manager at Ecosmob handling digital marketing activities like SEO, SMO, Linkbuilding.
Likes : Blogging, net surfing, networking, travelling, photography
Connect with the author via: Twitter | LinkedIn | Google+ | Pinterest

Friday, 13 December 2013

Community - The Helping Hand: Brief Guide: Part 1

Community..!! We have heard this term many times in personal as well as professional life. Today, We will have a deep dive into the subject “Community and how it can help us?”. There can be many nontechnical people reading this article, so I will make it as simple as possible so any apprentice can even understand.

What a Community mean?
In simple word, when a group of people with mutual interest gathers and show willingness to help each other and/or exchange the knowledge with each other without any expectation of personal gain, the platform/place where they gather is known as community.

Types of Community
There are 2 types of community:
  • Personal
  • Professional
Personal Community
Personal community is a platform/place where people of the same cast, religion and/or interest gathers and help each other. Personal community can be social where people with same cast meet each other in various social functions like wedding, funeral, social get together, etc. Another kind of personal community can be Local Student community where students of the same college and/or University helps each other in various ways. We all know how does such communities help us so I'm not going into much detail of it.

Professional Community
Professional community can help people to grow in their career by solving their problems, giving guides, manuals, job offers and much more. We will explore the professional community and how to make best out of it.

Branches of Professional Communities
  • Forums or Bulletin Boards
  • Mailing List
  • QA Websites
  • “Active” Blog
  • Social Networks
In upcoming part I will explain what are the benefits and how to make best out of community and some words of wisdom. So keep reading the posts. Give your feedback in comment section.

Ash Vyas SEO Ash Vyas is working as an internet Marketing manager at Ecosmob handling digital marketing activities like SEO, SMO, Linkbuilding.
Likes : Blogging, net surfing, networking, travelling, photography
Connect with the author via: Twitter | LinkedIn | Google+ | Pinterest