
Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas

With warm and friendly wishes  for a Merry Christmas  and a Bright and Happy New Year Ash Vyas Internet Marketing Manager Ecosmob Technologies Pvt. Ltd...

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

How Does Google Handle Duplicate Content Answered by Matt Cutts

Duplicate content and SEO In recent webmasters video Matt Cutts, Google Spam Team Head, has answered the most controversial question of SEO industry since ages. Question: How does Google handle the duplicate content and how does it affect negatively to SEO? According to Matt, the web is full of duplicate content and you can say 25 to 30% content is duplicate. So they handle it very wisely. Usually duplicate content will not lead to any direct penalty, but it might be affected in a way which cause some negative effect. In general language, If two websites or webpages has a similar or duplicate content, Google will compare both the pages...

Monday, 16 December 2013

How To Get The Best Out of Community?? Part 3 : Community - The Helping Hand: Brief Guide

Community The Helping Hand Today, I will write the last part of the community - The Helping Hand. Today I will reveal some tips and steps which can be helpful to you to get the best result abd response from the communities. If you follow these steps, you will surely get the best results as well as popularity amongst other community members,  How To Get The Best Out of Community? So let me share some tips forhow can you get the best result from communities. Find few communities of your Interest. Rather than being an inactive member of 100 related or unrelated communities, it will be better to be an active member of closely coupled...

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Why to Use Community? Part 2 : Community - The Helping Hand: Brief Guide

In the previous article, I disclosed what the community mean and in today's article, I will disclose the various facts of why you or any professional should use the communities? What can be the advantages of using communities? and how communities can help in various ways. Today's article will share some facts by which you will get to know why the communities are known as helping hand, how does communities can help anyone to grow? So let's explore in details the various reasons and benefits of "Why to use communities?" The community will have a number of people with the level of apprentice to experts. So they can help you in many ways....

Friday, 13 December 2013

Community - The Helping Hand: Brief Guide: Part 1

Community..!! We have heard this term many times in personal as well as professional life. Today, We will have a deep dive into the subject “Community and how it can help us?”. There can be many nontechnical people reading this article, so I will make it as simple as possible so any apprentice can even understand. What a Community mean? In simple word, when a group of people with mutual interest gathers and show willingness to help each other and/or exchange the knowledge with each other without any expectation of personal gain, the platform/place where they gather is known as community. Types of Community There are 2 types of community: Personal Professional Personal...

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